
IAQ Consultants have substantial experience in the field of indoor air quality, with our team having over 70 years’ experience of providing  assessments for planning applications. This has included assessments for a wide variety of developments, such as residential, commercial, industrial, power-generating, fuel infrastructure, waste, agricultural and transport. We can provide expert witness support as needed to defend or critically question climate assessments.

As climate change becomes an ever increasing hot topic for the world, more developments are being objected to due to potential impacts upon the climate.

It is important that developers be aware of recent and upcoming guidance, policy, strategy and legislation changes with regards to the climate. Many developers are unwittingly opening themselves to risks of refusal, where early advice could avoid potential issues later on. The Climate Consultants actively recommend early discussions to help minimise risk and promote due diligence for projects. 

Conversely, it is important that objectors realise the potential weight that challenging a development on climate grounds can have.

TCC can provide climate expert witness services for both developers, objectors and local authorities. With access to over 70 years of experience, including expert witness support, we are well suited to help.

Our expert witness services include:

  • Liaising with the local authority and Counsel to discuss the best approach
  • Detailed pollutant analysis
  • Undertaking bespoke greenhouse gas assessments
  • Providing proof of evidences
  • Being an expert witness
  • Providing ad-hoc support throughout the process

“I think the document is well written and contains the right amount of information for the purposes of supporting the Appeal Hearing Statement.”

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